Home » Looking for great Kentucky bourbon? 6 trendy bourbon bars to try in Louisville

Looking for great Kentucky bourbon? 6 trendy bourbon bars to try in Louisville

Looking for great Kentucky bourbon? 6 trendy bourbon bars to try in Louisville  Courier Journal

Dozens of bars in Louisville have more than 50 different bourbons on their shelves.
Make no mistake, “Bourbon City” certainly lives up to its name, and it’s not difficult to find a fine pour bourbon in this town. But sometimes choosing a single bar or restaurant for a nightcap can feel a bit like making a choice from a well-curated bourbon list.
There are so many good options, so where do you even begin?
Whether you’re hosting out-of-town guests, traveling the Kentucky Bourbon Trail or just looking to try a new pour that you’ve never sampled before, Louisville’s bar and restaurant scene has many great options.
Here are six great bourbon bars to try in the Louisville area.
Hell or High Water

112W.WashingtonSt.,Louisville,hellorhighwaterbar.com ThisDowntownLouisvillespeakeasydoesn’tlooklikemuchfromitsinconspicuousstorefront.Butonceyoustepinsidewhatappearstobeagallery,andthenthroughthesecretdoorway,youenteraroaring1920’s-stylebar.Inadditiontoanextensivebourbonlist,He