Home » 2 popular Kentucky bars announce only adults 30+ will be allowed inside

2 popular Kentucky bars announce only adults 30+ will be allowed inside

2 popular Kentucky bars announce only adults 30+ will be allowed inside  WKRC TV Cincinnati

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WKRC) – Two popular Kentucky bars announced they will only allow adults 30+ inside during certain hours.
According to WAVE,two bars in Louisville have enacted new age policies.The GRÜV Sports Bar and Lounge and Joe’s Palm Room said they will only allow adults 30 and older inside during certain hours, per the outlet.
Joe’s Palm Room issued a statement Sunday, writing that it “has officially decided to cater exclusively to guests aged 30 and above, as our demographic primarily consists of individuals over the age.”
“We aim to please our loyal patrons and ensure their continued enjoyment at our luxurious establishment. Thank you for your continued support!” the business wrote.
“That’s the crowd we catered to already. That’s the crowd that we want. It just made sense to go ahead and just put that stamp on it,” Palm Room Manager Tywan Young said.
