Home » Heather Teague’s mother sues Kentucky State Police and FBI for civil rights violations

Heather Teague’s mother sues Kentucky State Police and FBI for civil rights violations

She said the lawsuit comes after law enforcement spent almost three decades ignoring evidence she’s collected that goes against the narrative investigators settled on from the beginning: that a man named Marvin Ray “Marty” Dill appeared from a line of trees along the beach and hauled the sunbathing Heather away.
In mislabeled audio contained in Teague’s case file that Sarah discovered in 2023 and forwarded to the Courier & Press, Dill’s attorney – the late William Polk – also told police his client didn’t match the drawings.

ThemotherofamissingKentuckywomanissuingtheKentuckyStatePoliceandtheFBIfor$29millionaftershesaystheymishandledtheinvestigationintothewhereaboutsofherdaughter. SarahTeagueisaccusingthelawenforcementagenciesofviolatingthecivilrightsofherdaughter,HeatherTeague:a23-year-oldformerWebsterCountycheerleaderandhomecomingqueenwhovanishedfromNewburghBeachonAug.26,1995. ThelawsuitalsoaccusesKSPandtheFBIofconspiracytointerferewithcivilrights;failuretotrainandsupervisetheirofficersandagents;negligence;wrongfuldeath;andintentionalinflict