Home » Authorities hunt Kentucky man who fled MS Coast courtroom during child sex crimes trial

Authorities hunt Kentucky man who fled MS Coast courtroom during child sex crimes trial

A Kentucky man convicted of sexually assaulting and molesting a 7-year-old girl is wanted after he jumped bail and ran just before a Harrison County jury found him guilty of the crimes, according to District Attorney Crosby Parker.
During that visit, the 7-year-old told the CPS worker that “she had a secret with Mr. Jimmy, and it was about something that kids were not supposed to do,” said Assistant District Attorney Ian Baker, who prosecuted the case with Assistant District Attorney Haley Broom.

AKentuckymanconvictedofsexuallyassaultingandmolestinga7-year-oldgirliswantedafterhejumpedbailandranjustbeforeaHarrisonCountyjuryfoundhimguiltyofthecrimes,accordingtoDistrictAttorneyCrosbyParker. JimmyJoeDavis,54,ofMondonville,Kentucky,attendedthethree-daytrialbutleftthecourthousewhilethejurydeliberatedandneverreturned. JudgeRandiMuelleracceptedthejury’sverdictandissuedanarrestwarrantforDavisforviolatinghisbond.Davisisfacinguptolifeinprisonplus15yearsforthecrimes. DaviswaslivingwithawomanandhertwochildreninPassChristianwhenthecrimesoccurred. ThestateDepartmentof